King's Creatures 4th of July Training Challenge

  • Details

  • 7/03/24
  • 12 a.m.
  • Free
  • All Ages
  • Categories

  • Educational

Event Description

Let's celebrate freedom from fireworks and thunderstorm fears together! The King's Creatures 4th of July Training Challenge is designed to help your pets become calmer, happier, and more confident.

Whether your pet is scared of loud noises or just needs a little extra help staying calm during the holiday excitement, this challenge is for you. We'll guide you through daily tasks that will desensitize your pet to fireworks, thunder, and other sudden loud noises. Plus, we'll teach essential commands like Sit, Down, Place, and Come to ensure your pet is well-prepared for any situation.

Let's make this 4th of July the best ever for our pets! Join us and give your pet the gifts of calm, confidence, and happiness:
