55+ Potluck Picnic at Noelridge Pavilion

  • Details

  • 7/29/24
  • 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
  • Free
  • All Ages
  • Categories

  • Community

Event Description

55+ Potluck Picnic at Noelridge Pavilion:  Whether you are a regular attendee, join our programs occasionally, or want to check out our group for the first time, we invite you to our annual summer picnic! This year, we'll be gathering offsite at the Noelridge Pavilion, conveniently located adjacent to Council St, between Collins Road and 42nd St
Note the time
is changed to 11a-1p to be over the lunch hour.
Menu: Your choice of a hamburger or hot dog will be provided for those who sign up at a July program or by calling 319-640-5357.
What to Bring: Please bring a dish to share with everyone.
Activities: After lunch, join us for an optional nature walk through the beautiful Noelridge Park.
We look forward to enjoying good food, great company, and a lovely walk in the park with you.
